Welcome to Vanquish

We have a simple focus here at Vanquish and that is to do more with less. We are a guild focused on bringing the utmost level of support to its members and in turn expectations are high for those wishing to call us home. Joining our ranks, you will find a focused group of people who above all else enjoy the worlds we play in to the fullest. We strive to have fun and more so, enable the fun of others in a no pressure, mature environment. As a guild, we cater to the player that is confident, cool headed, selfless and controlled, while a ballsy sense of humor is a must! Our guild is designed from the ground up to be drama free, helpful and positive. While we focus on getting our team through content and on to group/pvp and end game work, we also recognize the journey to this point is half the fun. As such you will find our members to be driven yet understanding, patient and utmost helpful.


Code of Conduct

Don't be an ass but don't take yourself too seriously either! Common sense reigns supreme. Mutual respect not only for your guild but also the community at large is a must.

Remember, carry yourself well in game, from how you name your character to how you chat and present yourself to the community as a whole while wearing the Vanquish guild tag. Regarding names, we will not be overly strict, again use common sense...if you question your choice in the least then perhaps another name would be a better option. Names that are obviously for attention or prone to start drama may be asked to be changed or have applications denied. Vanquish Guild and Discord chat is to be kept "R" rated and for the most part, game related. Niche conversations or topics that alienate the guild will be asked to be taken to tells or a private channel.

You represent something more than just yourself now, do us proud and remember... YOU are the face of Vanquish.


Cross Guilding

Cross guilding and representing other guilds is taken case by case, but for all intents and purposes, we ask that our members represent Vanquish alone and call Vanquish their only home. The reason behind this is to ensure a close knit and cohesive community of players that know both the goings on within the guild and with their fellow members of Vanquish. Some games may contain mechanics that lend themselves to cross guilding. The following types of guilds are acceptable to join:



This is a fantastic tool for analyzing your performance and measuring it. Vanquish uses it for the purposes of improving performance and helping each other. Our Vet trials lead uses the logs to help their groups understand how they can improve as they progress through end game content.

The Vanquish Guild ESOLogs is set to private. The link to join ESOLogs is found in our Discord server. By applying to and joining the guild on ESOLogs you agree to not share any information contained in the logs with anyone other than Vanquish members. These logs will not be used for exclusion or 'dps shaming' by or against any Vanquish member.


Streaming or recording of Vanquish Members

It should go without saying that not everyone wishes to be streamed or recorded while gaming. Please gain their consent FIRST if you intend to stream/record while playing. Make sure all Vanquish members that you are grouped with or running with are aware that you are recording/streaming game and/or voice activities. If you are not the leader or organizer of the group/event you are streaming, please make sure the organizer has also given permission.


The Guild Bank

The ESO guild bank is an open access, no strings attached, no expectations system. It is not monitored, and should you donate anything to the bank, understand you do so freely. This means folks (Member and above) can take items from the bank they may find useful; be that for research, equipping, deconstruction and even personal sales. We ask that you use common sense when removing items and think of others first and how those items may be of use to them. When donating items of value, stop and ask in guild chat first, if you have an idea of HOW you want your donated item used, then seek out the individual that would benefit the most and give your items the home you intended.


Using Vanquish to Buy or Sell Items (including Crowns)

Vanquish is not a trade guild, you have many other options to sell and buy items or crowns in guilds designed from the ground up for such. While we would never expect someone to not be compensated for an item or for others to EXPECT such, at this time we do not condone the active buying and selling of items or crowns within Vanquish's guild chat. Take it to tells or better yet, a Trade guild.


Names and account changes

If you decide, for any reason, to change your @name in The Elder Scrolls Online (or any title utilizing global account handles) contact an Officer and provide both new and old account name. This will help us a great deal in terms of roster management. Not doing so may result in your removal (we have no idea who you are!)


Voice Coms Display Name

Set your nickname for the Discord server to reflect your @name/account name or your main character name. The discord display name should be something we will associate with your being a member of Vanquish. We would highly suggest having your Discord name being your @Name in the game you play the most with Vanquish. Upon joining the Discord server, you will receive a DirectMessage with more information/instructions.


5 Ways To Get Yourself Removed From Vanquish

There are a few things to be aware of while a member of Vanquish and should you wish the guild to remain your home please avoid any of the following:


Guild Style, Direction, and Culture

Guild Style: Here in Vanquish, we care little for what class you are, how leet you may be, or what your past experience is and how you rank in MMO "X's" raid system. We put the player behind the keyboard first and foremost. We encourage you to play how you like and pursue what is fun for you within the game. Your actions shall fall within the circle set up by our guild culture and style.

Direction: The direction we choose to take Vanquish will be dynamic and fluid, and while the overall drive of the guild will be end game and PvP, we have no concern as to just how fast we reach such. Instead we prefer to let such game mechanics come naturally as we explore the world before us.

Culture: The overall culture in the guild is one of mutual respect combined with a slight military theme in terms of ranks, how we greet one another, day to day chat and guild hierarchy. Vanquish will foster a member base that exemplifies its core values of: RESPECT, ATTITUDE, LOYALTY, ACTIVITY and CONFIDENCE. This is accomplished by maintaining an organized membership that emphasizes common sense in all things.

Moderation: Last but not least, we are a guild of moderation. This means if you are a hardcore ANYTHING you will not find Vanquish a good fit. We aim to explore every aspect the world has to offer from RPing to Raiding, Crafting to PvPing. Members of Vanquish enjoy the parts that make up the whole equally without being over focused on any one area of the game.

If at any time you wish to discuss the above or challenge a rule, please feel free to do so by contacting Savina or Duck.